Criminal Investigations Series
Reading Level: Grades 9 and up
Bank Robbery
Chelsea House 2008
ISBN-10: 0791094014
ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9401-3
Format: Hardcover
Page count: 120
Bank Robbery traces the history of the crime from the early days of American history to the present. After Frank and Jesse James pioneered the daylight holdup in 1866, crime has never been the same. Although banks and police have made it increasingly difficult to successfully rob a bank, criminals still try, drawn by the lure of money. The tactics criminals have used to rob banks and the laws and procedures police use to put bank robbers behind bars are described in this interesting title.
Chapters include:
Public Enemy No. 1
Most Wanted
Prevention and Investigation.
Cases covered include:
Frank and Jesse James
Fighting bank robbers on the American frontier
The depression era bandits and the golden age of “public enemies”
John Dillinger
Willie Sutton
The FBI’s Ten Most Wanted
How police combat modern criminals and violent tactics
Modern methods of preventing and investigating bank robberies.
Celebrities and Crime
Chelsea House 2008
ISBN-10: 0791094022
ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9402-0
Format: Hardcover
Page count: 112
The public’s fascination with celebrities can reach a fever pitch when celebrities commit or are involved in a crime. Famous victims like the Lindbergh baby and Sharon Tate have raised public outcry against the cruel crimes that claimed their lives. And the trials of celebrity criminals such as Jim Bakker and O.J. Simpson are proof that even the rich and famous are not above breaking the law. Celebrities and Crime examines the crossroads where fame and the underworld meet, looks at special types of crime targeted at celebrities, and discusses how law enforcement handles celebrity victims and celebrity perpetrators.
Chapters include:
The Devil’s Business
Murder in Brentwood
Number One with a Bullet
The Price of Fame.
Cases covered include:
Charles Lindbergh Jr. kidnapping
Charles Manson and the Manson Family murders
The unsolved murder of actor Bob Crane
Celebrity stalkers and assassins, including the murder of John Lennon
Celebrity frauds Jim and Tammy Bakker
The O.J. Simpson murder trial, and other famous athletes’ encounters with crime
Tupac Shakur, and the gangsta rap feud between the East Coast and West Coast rappers
Celebrity shoplifters and the Winona Ryder case
Robert Blake, accused of murdering his wife.
Gangs and Gang Crime
Chelsea House 2008
ISBN-10: 0791094081
ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9408-2
Format: Hardcover
Page count: 120
From the violent street gangs of early New York City to the holdup gangs of the Old West, from Prohibition bootleggers to modern-day drug gangs, Gangs and Gang Crime details the history of criminal gangs and their crimes. Today, most gangs exist on the streets or in prisons, and law enforcement agents have developed numerous techniques for identifying gangs, tracking their activities, breaking up illegal rackets, and addressing the social issues that can be contributing factors in the formation of gangs.
Chapters include:
Public Enemies
Hell on Wheels
Crips and Bloods
Gangs in Fiction and Film
Coping with Gangs.
Cases and gangs covered include:
The Plug Uglies, the Dead Rabbits, the Whyos, and other gangs of New York’s Five Points
Prohibition-era bootlegging gangs
The Wild Bunch
The Hells Angels, the Outlaws, and other motorcycle gangs
The Black Guerilla Family, the Aryan Brotherhood, Nuestra Familia, and other prison gangs
Crips and Bloods
The Yakuza, the Jamaican Posse, the Russian mafia, and other international gangs.
Serial Killers
Chelsea House 2008
ISBN-10: 0791094111
ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9411-2
Format: Hardcover
Page count: 120
From ancient times to the present, serial killers have terrorized the public, claiming their victims with a variety of methods, including poisoning, stabbing, and shooting. Modern law enforcement agents have developed sophisticated techniques, such as DNA analysis and psychological profiling, to track and identify these killers. Covering key historical and contemporary cases, Serial Killers is a concise, objective introduction to this field of criminal investigation.
Chapters include:
Murder by Numbers
Monsters Among Us
Lethal Ladies
Still at Large
The Mindhunters.
Cases covered include:
Erzsébet Báthory
The Beltway Snipers
David Berkowitz, a.k.a. “Son of Sam”
John Wayne Gacy
Micajah and Wiley Harpe
Jack the Ripper
Herman Webster Mudgett, aka “H.H. Holmes”
Gary Leon Ridgway, a.k.a. “The Green River Killer”
Aileen Wuornos.
Unsolved Crimes
Chelsea House 2008
ISBN-10: 0791094146
ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9414-3
Format: Hardcover
Page count: 120
In Unsolved Crimes, famous, unresolved cases from the past 120 years are examined to review what police and experts in forensic science did (or failed to do) while trying to resolve each crime. For each case covered, the key theories and suspects are described. Though technology is much improved since the time of Jack the Ripper in 1888, some recent crimes defy the best equipment and best scientists, leaving open-ended mysteries to occupy the minds of amateur sleuths everywhere. Still, it may not be too late to solve these riddles. By reexamining old evidence with modern techniques, police can often breathe new life into a cold case.
Chapters include:
Red Jack
The Black Dahlia
The Boy in the Box
JFK: Case Closed?
Deadly Medicine.
Cases covered include:
Jack the Ripper, unidentified serial killer
The murder of Elizabeth Short, aka “The Black Dahlia”
The assassination of John F. Kennedy, officially solved but often disputed
The disappearance of Teamsters’ leader Jimmy Hoffa
The Tylenol poisoning murders and related cases
Lizzie Borden, accused then acquitted of murdering her parents with an axe
Harry and Harriette Moore, murdered during the early days of the Civil Rights movement
The murder of JonBenét Ramsey.